"Hispanic American Greats"

In honor of "Hispanic Heritage" month,
Stageworks Theatre presents:
"Hispanic American Greats"
Two actors take us through the lives of four historical figures of "Hispanic" origin that made significant contributions during their time.
During our recent installment of this production, NASA astronaut Ellen Ochoa and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor recently meet while attending a conference. Justice Sotomayor remarks on how representation truly matters, and how nice it would be to travel back in time and witness our historical figures in person. Soon, Dr. Ochoa is inventing a machine able to open a portal so the late Cuban Revolutionary, José Martí, and the famous Bolivian math teacher, Jaime Escalante, can appear and share their stories with us ... one more time.
This 45-minute performance is a traveling show that consists of four monologues (20-25 minutes) complete with character transformations, visual slides, audio, and a question and answer segment.
Suitable for middle school and high school audiences; available en Español.
*Shows must be booked at least three weeks in advance